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Libraries use surveys and other instruments to gather feedback from their users. However, with competition from many other campus entities requesting input, how can survey fatigue be avoided? To gather this feedback, the Social Sciences Reference Desk utilized a short, fun and easy method. Each week for 10 weeks during the fall semester of 2017, the reference assistants wrote a survey question on a whiteboard and provided sticky notes for patrons to write their answers. The survey provided valuable information about patrons’ needs and expectations. It also fostered changes that were easily implemented to improve the delivery of library services.  相似文献   
乡村体育教师的专业发展事关乡村体育教育全局,是乡村教育的重要支持内容,也是当前体育教育的研究热点之一。运用问卷调查法和逻辑分析法,以场域理论为视角,以参加S省Z市“国培计划(2020)”乡村学校体育教师技能提升培训班的学员为调查对象,了解乡村体育教师专业发展困境,探究其原因和对策。结果显示,现阶段乡村体育教师的专业发展不容乐观,陷入了“没有发展的增长”的“内卷化”困境。场域边界限制、资本累积束缚和惯习冲突是其主要原因。提出破解乡村体育教师专业发展“内卷化”困境的对策,应从构建合作场域、完善要素保障机制及推动行动惯习转换等方面入手,打造有利于乡村体育教师完成资本累积、惯习转换的场域环境。  相似文献   
China's 'tidal wave' of rural to urban migration has had a tremendous impact on the educational outcomes of its children. It remains unexplored how and when do migrant children’s experience of acculturation following arrival in the place of settlement influence their academic achievement. This study used a stratified cross-sectional sample of 2412 Chinese migrant children and adolescents aged 10–18 (Mean = 14, 45 % female) to investigate the role of school satisfaction and family closeness in the relationship between acculturation patterns and academic achievement. Acculturation patterns are derived from the bidimensional model proposed by Berry (2005). The results indicated that integration had a positive association with concurrent academic achievement. School satisfaction was a mediator between integration and academic achievement. Furthermore, the full mediation of school satisfaction was only supported when there was a high level of family closeness. Findings from this study underline the usefulness of the bi-dimensional model in understanding the individual differences in academic achievement and suggest greater attention to the cultural variations in interpersonal functioning at the family and school context.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、实地调查等研究方法,对我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理现状进行调查分析。发现目前我国高校体育场馆对外开放过程中,存在缺乏突发事件应急预案的研制、对安全风险评估不足、缺乏急救设施的配置、场馆现场管理人员缺乏应急管理的培训与演练、场馆现场管理人员数量不足的问题。在高校体育场馆突发事件应急管理发展现状基础上,依托应急管理理论与应急救援理论,架构由突发事件识别与评估模块、决策系统模块、应急救助体系模块、应急预案选择模块、应急救援的执行模块所组成的我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理机制。建议:完善场馆管理规章制度,形成场馆对外开放突发事件应急长效管理机制;加强员工的应急管理理论培训与技能学习;制定各类应急预案并进行演练;保持突发事件应急救援稳定的对外联系畅通。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、访谈法等,了解到上海市黄浦区政府培育社会体育组织发展的现状以及存在的问题,提出针对性的发展路径。研究表明:经过阶段性的培育,目前上海市黄浦区社会体育组织结构较完整,规模初现,功能呈现多元化,制度建设日益完善,监督评估机制雏形初显;但培育过程中存在着党建嵌入不足,培育主体较为单一,培育体制机制不完善,培育制度保障体系不健全等问题。提出培育路径:创新党建嵌入方式,实行组织党建工作制度化;搭建组织服务平台,拓宽组织准入范围;分类、分阶段针对性的培育,健全培育体制机制;完善组织制度建设,提升组织服务能力。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]构建高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素模型,为高校图书馆公共文化服务发展提供理论和实践参考。[方法/过程]通过对10所高校26位采访对象的深度访谈,采用扎根理论方法,探索性研究高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素,并构建其扎根理论模型。[结果/结论]高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素主要包括4个主范畴:高校及其图书馆归因、政府机构归因、公众用户归因、其他归因。其中高校及其图书馆归因是主导性因素,政府机构归因是保障性因素,公众用户归因是驱动性因素,其他归因是制约性因素。在此基础上,提出高校图书馆深度参与公共文化服务体系策略。  相似文献   
This national study of US counties (n = 2963) investigated whether county-level drug overdose mortality is associated with maltreatment report rates, and whether the relationship between overdose mortality and maltreatment reports is moderated by a county’s rural, non-metro or metro status. Data included county-level 2015 maltreatment reports from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, modeled drug-overdose mortality from the Centers for Disease Control, United States Department of Agriculture Rural-Urban Continuum Codes, US Census demographic data and crime reports from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. All data were linked across counties. Zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression was used for county-level analysis. As hypothesized, results from the ZINB model showed a significant and positive relationship between drug overdose mortality and child maltreatment report rates (χ = 101.26, p < .0001). This relationship was moderated by position on the rural-urban continuum (χ=8.76, p = .01). For metro counties, there was a 1.9% increase in maltreatment report rate for each additional increment of overdose deaths (IRR=1.019, CI=[1.010, 1.028]). For non-metro counties, the rate of increase was 1.8% higher than for metro counties (IRR=1.018, CI=[1.006, 1.030]); for rural counties, the rate of increase was 1.2% higher than for metro counties (IRR=1.012, CI=[0.999, 1.026]). Additional research is needed to determine why the relationship between drug overdose mortality and maltreatment reports is stronger in non-metro and rural communities. One potential driver requiring additional inquiry is that access to mental and physical health care and substance use treatment may be more limited outside of metropolitan counties.  相似文献   
公众参与是衡量现代民主政治发展的重要指标,公共机构与社会公众双方良性互动显得至关重要。从档案微信公众平台建设上看,存在公众参与地域不均、公众参与程度不高、档案部门回应力度不够、微信公号吸引性不足的问题。提出应加强档案宣传教育,转变档案部门服务意识,提高公号内容质量和拓宽互动形式等建议,以期提高双方互动效率,实现档案服务质量和档案价值的提升。  相似文献   
2019年7月22日,南京大学谢欢博士对哈佛燕京图书馆馆长郑炯文先生就北美东亚图书馆发展相关问题进行访谈。东亚图书馆肇始于欧洲,起源于传教士对文史哲印刷文献的专题收集,与汉学发展紧密相关;美国东亚图书馆在第二次世界大战后取得了快速的发展,如今美国已成为西方世界东亚研究的中心。华人图书馆员是北美东亚图书馆从业人员中非常重要的群体,三代华人图书馆员各具专长,为北美东亚图书馆发展做出了贡献。郑炯文先生自担任哈佛燕京图书馆馆长以来,主要致力于以下三方面工作:①整理裘开明、吴文津担任馆长期间收集的文献;②开放馆藏,将哈佛燕京图书馆的资源面向全世界学者开放;③推动中美图书馆员交流合作项目。  相似文献   

Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020, colleges and universities found themselves rapidly moving all courses to online modalities, a format that many instructors were not experienced in or comfortable with. Academic librarians were called upon to help support faculty in this sudden transition, as well as migrating their own library services and instruction online. For many, it felt like a mad scramble to find best practices for online teaching, or even just “good-enough” practices, as well as specific tools that instructional faculty and librarians could utilize to keep their students engaged and learning during such a trying time. At the time of this writing, some universities have announced that they will continue to hold most, if not all, courses online in the fall 2020 term. Resources to support online teaching are critical now, and they will continue to be important going forward even after the global pandemic subsides. The reviews in this column cover a variety of online instructional tools and instructional support sites. The resources reviewed range from providing best practices for online pedagogy, creating engaging formative assessment tools, developing video discussion boards, creating interactive images, using virtual bulletin boards for student collaboration, and ensuring online content meets accessibility requirements. These resources will be useful for librarians and instructional faculty as they continue to teach in the online environment.  相似文献   
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